Saturday, August 14, 2010

To mourn or not to mourn?

Question from Lianne:
Can you tell me anywhere in scripture that it says we are not suppose to mourn? I would really appreciate your help with this.

Answer from Pastor Bob:
Nehemiah 8:9 says that the day was a holy day of celebration, and thus the people were told, "Do not mourn" on that day. The people wept because they were grieved over their sin when they heard the words of the law.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Did Daniel's dream refer to America?

Question from Wade:
I was reading the Book of Daniel and I was reflecting on Daniel 2:31-35. In prophecy there is no mention of America when it comes to great kingdoms. Is it possible the feet of the statue in Daniel's dream represents the old Roman kingdom (iron) and American being the clay?

Answer from Pastor Bob:
Most interpreters see the statue as Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon at the time of Daniel. According to Daniel 2:36-40, this refers to kingdoms that come after Babylon, which historically would be Babylon, then the Medo-Persian Empire, then the Greek Empire. The fourth kingdom would refer to the Roman Empire.
I do not think that the prophecy was a direct reference to America. However, Daniel's prophecy shows how kingdoms will rise and fall according to God's direction, and that is an important point for every nation to remember, including the United States of America. No nation or kingdom is greater than the kingdom of God.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bible commentaries online

Question from Jan:
I have been looking at some Bible commentaries online. I would like to know which one you would recommend. I looked at Matthew Henry, John Wesley, and John Darby.

Answer from Pastor Bob:
Those are all Bible-believing writers. My personal favorite is Matthew Henry. You can find these and other free Bible commentaries online at